Save Subjects Hierarchy DISCO

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Inheritance graph

Defined in file : brainvisa/toolboxes/disco/types/

Used in the following processes

00a. Talairach transform extraction
01. Prepare grey and white maps for DARTEL
01. Sulcal imprints extraction
02. DARTEL Template Creation
03. Grid deformation
04. Volume deformation
Anatomist Show DISCO results in a common referential
Compute Pairwise mean distances
Create a new DISCO Study from existing parameters
Create DISCO deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create DISCO+DARTEL deformation field from subjectA to subjectB
Create DISCO+DARTEL deformation field toward the common space
Dartel pipeline
Deformation DISCO Pipeline
Deformation DISCO+DARTEL Pipeline
EXPERIMENTAL: Compute template descaling transformation
Experimental: Transform multiple volumes into the common space
Final deformation applied on graph
Final deformation applied on mesh
Final deformation applied on volume
Final deformation applied on voronoi and cortical ribbon
Normalize intensities of a collection of T1 MRIs
Normalize intensities of a T1 MRI
Transform fibre bundles between subjects
Transform fibre bundles into the common space
Transform graph between subjects
Transform graph into the common space
Transform mesh between subjects
Transform mesh into the common space
Transform volume between subjects
Transform volume into the common space
Verify accuracy of inverse deformations
View Sulci of all subjects before and after DISCO

Associated formats

Text file

Associated ontology rules

  • brainvisa-3.2.0 :
  • analyzes/DISCO_analyzes/DISCO_{Study}/subjects_hierarchy_<Study>

    Key attributes

  • brainvisa-3.2.0 :
  • Study